Senin, 17 Desember 2012

An Organization yuo belong to and A Family

the similarity between an organization and a family is a group of person that have leader. if a family the leader is father, but in a organization is leader of organization. an organization and a family have a place to gather and every member interact and have each role.every member has responsible and has royong's carry spirit.

Minggu, 16 Desember 2012

Mathematic Class is My Interesting Class

math class is my interesting class,because I like the teacher.the teacher name is Merry Sulistiawati,she is a beautiful math teacher and kind. she teach a week two times and she always give us motivation to always study in order we pass the exam and get good value. I like her teaching method, because every she explain I more quick to understand and I become like math lesson. actually I dislike math lesson when I was Junior High School, but in Senior High School I become like,because Mrs. Merry.

Talent and Skill

Talent is a condition or energy of soul someone if always practice continually will reach a ability.talent get as result of descent or nature.the example talentof playing music.whereas skill is a ability that get as result of study or experiences not result of descent or nature,the example skill in English which result of study English. so comparison between talent and skill is if talent is from descent, while skill is from study.

Senin, 03 Desember 2012

Junk Foods

junk food is demulcent food it is ready to served.junk foods can classify two kinds. the first one, menu of Barat like hamburger, sandwich, pizza, fried chicken, fried potato, salad ect. called menu of Barat, because the foods from foreign and then recognized by Indonesian people and have many sold in Indonesia. the second one, menu of Traditional like ketoprak, empek-empek, lontong sayur,pisang goreng, wedang jahe, tahu goreng, ect.called menu of Traditional, because the foods from Indonesia.