Selasa, 08 Januari 2013

Teaching Descriptive Text: Introducing American Culture through the Statue of Liberty

Foreign language learning consist of several components, including grammatical competence, communicative competence, language proficiency, and cultural competence (Thanasoulas, 2001). Cultural competence in particular includes the knowledge of the conventions, custom, beliefs, and systems of meaning of another country of which we learn the language. Language teachers have to see it as their goal to incorporate the teaching of target culture into the foreign language classroom to promote emphaty and respect toward the different cultures. In other words, it is our job, an English teacher to develop the learners’ ability to communicate accros linguistic and cultural boundaries. Since the teaching of English in Indonesia focuses on genre-based approach (English School-Based Curriculum, 2006), many text types are discussed in the classroom such as recount, narrative, descriptive, procedure, and report text. And the cultural content can be included in the teaching material taught in an integrated way with the teaching of language skills and language components.
In accordance  with the teaching of target culture in language classroom, this chapter aims to show the way how to introduce American culture, particularly the culture of the Stuate of Liberty.

Brown (2000) defines culture as a way of life. Culture also includes the ideas, costum, skills, arts and things that characterize a given group of people in a given period of time. Culture is closely related to values, symbols, and language used by people in society. The teaching of culture becomes important and cannot be separated from foreign language teaching.
            The teaching of culture should allow learners to increase their knowledge of the target culture in terms of people’s way of life, symbols, values, attitudes, and beliefs, and how these  are expressed in their behaviors and linguistic forms. More specifically, the teaching of culture should make learners aware of speech acts, norms, etiquette of which it is appropiate or inappropiate behavior, as well as provide them with the target language environment and the opportunity to act out being  a member  of the target culture (Tomalin & Stempleski, 1993; Thanasoulas, 2001). The teaching culture is to increase learners awareness and to develop their curiosity towards the target culture in the porpuse of helping them make comparisons with their own culture make sense their linguistic choice in communication.
McKay (2003) assumes that culture influences language teaching in two ways: linguistic and pedagogical matters. Linguistically, it affect the semantic, pragmatic, and dicourse levels of the language. Pedagogically, it influences the choice of the language materials because cultural content of the language materials and the cultural basis of the teaching methodology have to be taken into consideration while deciding upon the language materials. Language teachers should be pro-active and creative in selecting the cultural materials.
The Statue of Liberty is one of the best known symbols of the United Statues throughout the world that inspires many people for its story and its beauty. The Statue of Liberty was originally known as Liberty Enlightening the world. It was given to the United States by Franceto celebrate their allience during Revolutionary war (World Heritag, Centre). A sculptor by the name of Frederic Auguste Bartholdi designed the statue together with Gustava Eiffel. The statue, also known affectionately as “Lady Libert”, it has become a symbol of international friendship, fredoom, and democracy.
            To individuals in the United States, Lady Liberty symbolizes some basic points that become the reasons why the Statueof Liberty is important to America. They are as follows:
  1. The End of Slavery
It represented the emancipation of African slaves.the idea for thestatue was inspired by French abolitionists in admiration of Abraham Lincoln.
  1. Democracy
It symbolizes the forefathers’ fight for fredoom and the belief that democracy would prevail in the United Statue.
  1. Immigration
In 1892, the Statue of Liberty on, Ellis Island was a major port of entry for millions of European immigrants to the United States until the station was closedin 1943. The statue welcomed arriving immigrant,who could see the statue as they arrived in the United States.
  1. Hope
Many of the immigrants who entered the New York Harbor were escaping tyranny, oppression, and proverty. when they saw the Statue of Liberty, it represented hope and the possibility of a new beginning and a better life.
  1. Post 9-11
After september 11, 2001, the Statue ofLiberty became important to America as a symbol that citizens would not allow fearand terror to take over their lives.

There are procedures in teaching descriptive texts by introducing American Culture through the Statue of Liberty.
·         Pre-teaching
1.      Provide some picture on power point slide about symbols.
2.      Do question and answer activity to the students about the given picture.
3.      Prepare the reading text about Statue of Liberty.
4.      Divide the students into 6 groups.

·         Whilst-teaching
5.      Give the students few minutes to read the text and see the picture/video of Statue of Liberty.
6.      Discuss the content of the text and answer the reading comprehension question.
7.      Ask the students to find out the important things that describe the Statue of Liberty from the text in group.
8.      Fill in the sunflower with the key points of the text (mapping the Statue of Liberty’s description).
9.      Ask the students to present the key points found.

·         Post-teaching
10.  Ask other students to give feedback to the their classmate’s presentation.
11.  Ask the students to make corrections based on the feedback given.
12.  Review the material.

Teachers have a significant role in raising student’s awareness of other cultures. In terms of English teacher and learning, teachers must have big picture of the target culture that needs to be transfered to the students in the purpose of developing the learnes’ cultural knowledge, awareness and competents. Related to the purpose, introducing target culture such as the Statue of Liberty as one of American symbols in English learning can be effective since it is always interesting to know and learn other culture. Here, English plays an important role as means of communication to transfer the message underlying the symbol. During the teaching of descriptive texts through the Statue of Liberty to introduce American culture, the students seemed to enjoy the class and felt impressed with the topic and the technique. The atmosphere was active and relaxed because the students were encouraged to figure out the meaning of the symbol and to complete the sun flower with the description of the symbol. Of course, there are still many aspects of culture that can be brought to the classroom. However, we should not only focus on teaching students the target culture but we also have to build a stable foundation for their own culture by relating the two cultures. At last, it can guide students to focus on the similarities rather than the differences.

            As teacher of EFL learnest, it is more challenging to bring the target culture in the classroom, since we have to teach the language and the culture in an integrated way. In terms of developing the learnes’ cultural knowledge, awareness and competence, the teaching of culture should have some benefits for the learnes on how communicate effectively and behave appropriately. It means that the intercultural missunderstanding can be avoided. At this point, it is our responsbility to teach any cultural topics related to norms and values of the target culture. By introducing the culture of the Statue of Liberty, it is hoped to make the learnes have high level of awareness on the values represented by the statue such as friendship, freedom, and democracy. At last, the learnes can understand better the language they learned and tolerate the differences among cultures.

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