Rabu, 09 Januari 2013

TEFL assigment

Discuss the easy and difficulty of learning a first language, second language, and foreign language
1.      The easy of learning a first language
Ø  Language of territory  our self and we have learned since from child
Ø  Everyday  we always speak language of mother  with our society and our family
Ø  Our environment use mother tongue,so make easy we learn mother tongue
2.      The difficulty of learning a first language
Ø  Difficult in write and understand written
Ø  the ambiguous word, a difference the addition, subtraction vocal and consonant changes
3.      The easy of learning a second language
Ø  We learn second language from elementary school
4.      The difficulty of learning a second language
Ø  Difficult use indonesian language perfectly and truly,because influence by mother tongue and foreign language
Ø  our environment use mother tongue , so does not support we to use second language
5.      The easy of learning foreign language
6.      The difficulty of learning a foreign language
Ø  Difficult in pronunciation
Ø  Difficult in arrange sentences
Ø  Difficult to understand  tenses and use tenses

What is the importance of knowing the term method and its components for an English teacher
With we know method and its components we will  easy in teach and students easy to understanding what we explain and the students  are not bored in class and in order  teaching and learning process run well, will result learning be better and will reach the goal.
1.      While you are watching the movie, try to analyze what the teacher did to reach the goal in his class.
The teacher just want to teach about music, because he just have skill in music and when he see his students play music in class music, he thinks that his students have a skill in music,so he practice his students by his instruments. Everyday the teacher teach how to played rock music and he want to his students  be good player music. By effort and never give up finally his students succeeded. He feel happy, because what he taught have success and their parents be proud.
2.      because the Answer the questions below.
a.       Goal                      :  to create a rock band, to join competition
b.      Method                 : He practice directly in class
c.       Procedure              :   -     He start with the goal
-           He takes position of the students suitable  with their skill
-           the teacher teach his students how to play the music of rock     
-           The teacher give his students some cassettes of rock
-          The teacher show performance of prayer music rock
d.      Evaluation             : the teacher taught and correct his students to be better in rock
3.      Based on your evaluation, what do you think about being a teacher like him?
I think I can like him , because he uses good method and procedure, so he reach the goal,but I have to be professional teacher.

4.      What do you think are the factors to determine the success of the teaching and learning activities?
I think the teacher have to teach suitable with method, procedure, technique,and curriculum,because to make easy teaching and learning process

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